My country, Nigeria, was recently dubbed the “sickle cell capital” of the world. It has the highest number of sickle cell disease cases..
My name is Desire Namazzi, and I am 24 years old. I am a resident of Uganda. Today, I am beginning my final year of undergraduate studies
Bone marrow transplant has emerged as a reliable treatment option for millions of children suffering from blood disorders.
Cancer has long been a formidable adversary, challenging medical professionals to explore innovative treatments.
Every first Thursday of the month, I travel to Raipur for my OPD at Petal's Hospital. During these visits, I see many patients suffering from blood disorders such as Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and thalassemia
Blood transfusion therapy is a crucial treatment for patients grappling with genetic blood disorders such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia.